Saturday, October 2, 2010


AADESH AADESH -Nath-Yogis meet, they greet each other with the salutation “Adesh-Adesh!” Gorakshanath the Maha Yogi wrote:Aatmetu paramaatmeti jiivatmeti vicaaraneTrayaanaam aikya-samshutir asdes’s iti kiirtitah...In our relative thought we distinguish between Atman, Paramatman, and Jiva.The Truth is that these three are one and a realization of it is called Adesha.Thus the yogi in his contact with others expressed only the simple truth in the words, “Adesh-Adesh!” It is a foundation stone on which all spiritual light and attainment must be erected. It is the first truth to attain the First Lord. aadesh aadesh