Mela 1985: babaji ( sitting on extreme right), Shri Avaidya nath ji, Shri Chand nath ji
Kundalini Books: Siddha-Siddhantapaddhati of Goraksanatha
Gorakshanath the Originar of Hatha-Yoga
The Sanskrit word nāthá or नाथ, is the proper name of a siddha sampradaya (initiatory tradition) and the word itself literally means “lord, protector, refuge”. The related Sanskrit term Adi Natha means first or original Lord, and is therefore a synonym for Shiva, Mahadeva, or Maheshvara, and beyond these supramental concepts, the Supreme Absolute Reality as the basis supporting all aspects and manifestations of consciousness. The Nath tradition is a heterodox siddha tradition containing many sub-sects. It was founded by Matsyendranath and further developed by Gorakshanath. These two individuals are also revered in Tibetan Buddhism as Mahasiddhas (great adepts) and are credited with great powers and perfected spiritual attainment. Read More: > Here <
Dr. Joachim Reinelt: Zur Zeit des indischen Mittelalters wanderten in weiten Teilen Indiens und Tibets tantrische Mystiker umher, die Nathas, Nathayogis oder Nathasiddhas genannt wurden. Sie praktizierten und lehrten Hatha- und Kundaliniyoga und hatten großen Einfluss auf das religiöse Leben der Menschen.
In meiner Doktorarbeit habe ich die Lehren und Praktiken dieser Yogis untersucht. Als Textgrundlage dient hierbei ein Werk aus dem ca. 13. Jahrhundert, das Vivekadarpana, wörtlich ‘Spiegel der unterscheidenden Betrachtung’. In diesem recht umfangreichen Werk (21 Kapitel) wurden die Lehren aus unterschiedlichen philosophischen Schulen, Konzepte und Praktiken diverser tantrischer und yogischer Traditionen, sowie viele mythologische Vorstellungen zusammengetragen.
Gorakshanatha Saivism: Gorakhnath or Gorakshanatha Saivism is also known as Siddha Siddhanta and Nath tradition. It was founded by Gorakshanatha (Gorakhnath) who lived about 10th century AD. He is believed to be 3rd, 4th or 5th in a line of 12 prominent teachers of this tradition, which has followers in both Buddhism and Hinduism.
He was said to be a disciple of Matsyendranatha who was from in Nepal. Followers of this sect believe that knowledge of this tradition was received by Matsyendranath directly from Siva himself. Gorakshanatha is credited with such works as Siddha Siddhanta Paddhathi and Viveka Martanda. He composed them in Hindi. He also created 12 monastic orders across Northern India in an effort to preserve the Adinatha tradition. Other important works of this tradition are Hathayoga Pradipika, Gheranda Samhita, Siva Samhita and Jnanamrita. Full Article:
History of the Nathas - The history of ancient Indian sadhu texts reveals a succession of several main groups. There were the Sadhs, Yatis, Siddhas, Nathas, Pashupatis, Sant-Mats, Dasnamis and Nagas. Apart from these, many small sadhu sects have existed and played their part in the great stream of Indian life. In early history, it would appear that some sects were interwoven with others, and some merged or developed into other sects. Some thus became extinct, and others are still with us.
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Yogendranath Yogi Event: “CHATUHSASTHI YOGINI MANTRA -64 KALI YOGINIS”: “Sixty and four are the instruments of enjoyments that tempt the individual soul (jiva). Sixty and four are the divisions (kalas) within jiva; Sixty and four are the chambers of jiva’s chakras; Sixty and four; where Shiva-Shakti are.” In very ancient days, eight great Female Goddesses Shaktis emerged from the cosmic soul of the Principle Dieties and formed Kali Durga, the Universal Shakti Power, These were the grand Mothers (Ashta Matrikas) of all subsequent Yoginis. According to Kaula Tantra, the seight manifested each in turn into eight Divine Shaktis, thus resulting in the 64 Tantric Yoginis.
Eight Great Mothers (Ashta Matrikas), Halebid, Karnataka – An examination of the ancient Tantric tradition reveals a particular sanctity assigned to the number eight. The eight mother faculties (tattvas) of the manifested universe, the eight directions with four cardinal and four intermediate points (digbandahs), the eight miraculous yogic powers (siddhis), eight “limbs” of Yoga (astanga) eight forms of the Divine Mother (matrikas) and eight primary mystic symbols (mudras) are just a few examples. The square of eight, or sixty-four, occupies an even more profound position in the field of Tantra which, from the point of view of the practitioner, first and foremost identifies the sixty-four Tantric Yoginis.
The Matrikas are found in inscriptions uncovered from the Indus Valley Civilization of 5000 years ago.
“O Great Ones, if I am known, what need is there for pilgrimage, austerities and even sadhana itself? If I am revealed, of what use is puja, tantra, kriya, yoga and the revealed texts?
My mystery is grand and broad and expansive beyond the consciousness of humanity, yet I am ever accessible as the cosmic lover beyond the thinking mind and it is I who is the source of the Peace, Light, Love, and Power that are all the hallmarks of my essence. I am the polarities and the forces of creation, the Divine feminine in union with her Lord. Manifesting in both celestial and terrestrial planes, pretending to be limited as a human incarnation, I become intoxicated with all aspects of life, in order to know Shiva as my intimate lover, with whom I always seek oneness.
I take on human incarnation in order that all of his less conscious manifestations might discover their divinity though relationship with me. In doing so I provide an avenue for humanity to taste the nectar of immortality through my Kaula Tantra. Even given this, my true nature still remains secret. I live hidden in the bodies of human lovers, promoting the elevation of consciousness for those who seek it through me.”
2nd Yogendranath Yogi Event “MAHA YOGI GURU GORKHNAHT”: Gorakshya Peeth Siddhachal Mrigasthali, favourite of siddha yogi -guru gorkhnath . Gorakshya Balam, Guru-sishya Palam, Sesha Himalam, Sasikhanda bhalam Kalasya Kalam, Jeeta Janma Jalam, Bandey Jatalam, Jagadabjanalam
Gorakh Nath is also Known as Gorakshya Nath. He is the Yoga power of Lord Shiva, who himself is the whole universe. There are many meanings for the name. First let’s separate the name into smaller parts Go + Rakshya = Gorakshya
The meaning of Go are Cow, Earth (or universe) or the Indriya (Through which person interacts with the outer world also moha or attachment). The meaning of Rakshya is to protect.
The combined meaning becomes as such The one who protects us from the un-escapable net of moha by protecting the indriyas. When all the individual are protected from misutilizing their bodies, which develops the mind so much that we become able to know all the things in the universe, then the universe is protected as a whole.
He is the teacher of Yoga. Yoga means the re-unification of the soul and the super soul (himself). We cannot write about him due to our inefficiency. One of the slokas is listed below which tells something about him.
Tum Sata-Chita-Aananda Sada Shive, Aagama Nigama Parey Yoga Pracharana Karana Yuga Yuga, Gorakh Rupa Dharey You are the super being, Sada Shiva. Farther than the knowledge of Aagama and Nigama. You come here in the form of Gorakh Nath for preaching Yoga (Knowledge for reunification), time to time. The full Bhajan is given in the Bhajan segment of the site.
You can view the big poster of Navanath at Mrigasthali Gorakshya Temple Likewise, there are 84 siddhas. Temples in Nepal and the World – Oom Guru Gorakshya, Mama Rakshya Rakshya Gorakhnath Temple is everywhere in Nepal and India. Gorakshay Nath is very important in the lives of the people so the temple is found in every footsteps. In any urban and rural part of the subcontinent contains Gorakshya temple.
Mrigasthali is another important place for all the Hindus ( .It is Known to be the most favourite place for the Lord Shiva to play. This place is listed in uncountable places in the texts of hinduism.
Shiva Gorakshya Meditated at this place for very long time. According to the story, Shiva Gorakshya Meditated here seated on the snakes representing the rain and there was no rainfall for 12 years. He was not happy with the people who was not interested in improving their life with yoga.
The people who were tensed due to no rain thought to bring his Guru Dada Matsyendra Nath and he will wake up and the rain will fall. When they brought Guru Matsyendra Nath from Kamrup Kamakshya then he wake up from meditation and they got the rain fall.
Yoga – Sanatan Dharma ( > Hinduism <) has always believed that the world began from the god in the form of zero (sunya rup paramatma). But how did that zero became all these? The science cannot explain that thing, yet it has proved that the world is continuously expanding. If it is expanding continuously, then it should have been started from a point or zero. The science also believe this, with Big Bang Theory. But how did something came out of nowhere? The science can never explain this. This is explained by Yoga.
Einstein believed that there is always another antiparticle to some particle. When antiparticle and particle mix together, then there will be nothing. One will consume the other and the whole thing is zero. This thought came out of the sacred texts of Hinduism.
Something out of nothing can come with the power of yoga. The literal meaning of yoga is to mix something together or addition. With the power of yoga, Shiva created the whole universe out of nothing. let us see this in the following table:
0 = 5 – 5
= (5) + (-5)
= ( 3 + 2 ) + (8 – 3)
= (9 – 6 + 4 – 2) + ( 5 + 3 – 5 + 2 )
= ………… and so on (This is addition or Yoga)
Now the world has become a complex one. When the maha-pralaya occurs, the addition occurs and the world again becomes zero, and the new world is started with new mathematics.
Yoga is not the exercise. It is the power of creation. The Rishis of older times developed the science by which anyone can increase the power of yoga within oneself. All the things in Hinduism, world and the universe is within this.
We have to travel through 8.4 million species of plants and animals to become human. We will be promoted or degreded to the next higher level according to our karma. Karma is the form of yoga (Karma-yoga) which increases the yoga power. Shree Shiva Gorakshya is known to be the first sat-guru of yoga. He is Shiva, who came to earth for reason of preaching the knowledge of yoga. He tought 8.4 million postures, by which yoga could be practiced. Among them 84 postures are the most important for Human.
We are trying to publish the 84 yoga postures which could be useful for anyone.
Mahayogi, Yogacharya, Guru Gorakhnath
Gorakshanath the Originar of Hatha-Yoga
hatha yoga – siddha siddhanta paddhati
Siddha Siddhanta Paddhati
SONGS ON YOGA of the Mahārāṣṭrian Nāth Yogis
Yoga, Literatur, eine Übersicht
Der Weg des YOGA – Was ist Yoga ?
Mahayogi, Yogacharya, Guru Gorakhnath
Whenever Yogis or Nath-Yogis meet, they greet each other with the salutation “Adesh-Adesh!” Gorakshanath the Maha Yogi wrote:
Aatmetu paramaatmeti jiivatmeti vicaarane
Trayaanaam aikya-samshutir asdes’s iti kiirtitah
In our relative thought we distinguish between Atman, Paramatman, and Jiva.
The Truth is that these three are one and a realization of it is called Adesha.
Thus the yogi in his contact with others expressed only the simple truth in the words, “Adesh-Adesh!” It is a foundation stone on which all spiritual light and attainment must be erected. It is the first truth to attain the First Lord.
- CREATOR : Yogendranath Nath Yogi <
- Yogendranath Yogi – ( Ancient Original Natha Yoga) , friends, studies<
- Meet Shri Thaneshwar Nath Namo, Gorakshnath <
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